Friday, February 21, 2020

An Online Estate Agent in Saudi Arabia Research Proposal

An Online Estate Agent in Saudi Arabia - Research Proposal Example With every endeavour in this world calls for business opportunities, and since around the year 2000, online estate agents started to offer an option to the customary fee structure, maintaining cheaper, predetermined fee selling packages (Lecinski, 2012). These internet estate agents declare to grant private property vendors the capability of advertise their property through the leading property portals (the ideal medium utilised by customary high street estate agents) for a portion of the price of the customary estate agency. New-fangled models have been brought in, which applies digital media screens on behalf of the agents’ customary high street window (Lecinski, 2012). These screens permit these agents to convey their listings into a remote area where setting up a workplace might otherwise not be achievable. A report, in 2010, confirmed that online estate agents normally charge a fixed fee of  £400 to  £1,000, with others charging an extra commission on sales (Lecinski, 2012). Also, others charge extra fees for additional services like the supply of a "For Sale" post, professionally and efficiently taken photographs, as well as accompanied viewings. In Saudi Arabia, particularly, real estate is considered as one of the fastest growing businesses second to oil (Dabholkar & Overby, 2005). Financial experts argue that the construction of 500,000 housing units planned by King Abdullah, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, at a price of SAR 250 billion, would assist ease real estate rents and prices. The newly developed mortgage law, as well as its executive bylaw, contain principles for real estate finance and growth and allow banking institutions to support real estate projects. Internet users in this country were last reported at 13,000,000 in 2011, according to a report by World Bank published in 2012 (Muhanna & Wolf, 2013). These are individuals with access to the worldwide web. Therefore, as the nation’s economy and internet user population continues to enhance rapidly, demand for house units will also continue to increase (Muhanna & Wolf, 2013). This opens a window of opportunities for realtors. So, if someone is short of business ideas, then online real estate investment should be considered. Aims and Objectives This dissertation will dwell on this business venture (online house agents) discussing the possible advantages of starting an online house agent website instead of using the customary method. The paper will incorporate sections such as aims and objectives, literature review, research methods and planning to execute the recommendations. This paper will adapt the Goggle and NAR (National Association of Realtors) study in order to come up with its findings. The goal is to assist the reader understand the growing role of digital media in the client home search procedure. It will uncover the trends, as well as insights, around digital media application amongst home shoppers, whether they were searching for home,

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

How to Write the Outcomes Evaluation Section of a Grant Proposal Essay

How to Write the Outcomes Evaluation Section of a Grant Proposal - Essay Example The grantmaker gives your organization money based on how well your goals and objectives match their own goals and objectives. They are investing money in your organization and programs, much like you would do if you bought a stock or bond. The grantmaker wants to see a â€Å"return on investment† in the form of outcomes. Not just feel-good outcomes, but evidence that something has changed or improved because of their investment with you. By the time you get to write the Outcomes Evaluation section of the proposal, you should already have: Now you are ready to write the Outcomes Evaluation and Dissemination Plan. The outcomes evaluation section of a grant proposal is the most difficult to write and usually ends up being the shortest section. This is too bad, because here is where a non-profit can show itself to be organized and professional. Designing instruments, gathering data, and crunching numbers seems to be a frustrating waste of time for the people on the ground. You or your staff might think: There are so many constituents who could use our help; why do we waste our time proving we are helping? Just look around! It’s not quite that simple, however. Grantmakers are not punishing you by asking for outcomes evaluation. This data, properly gathered and evaluated, and properly applied, strengthens your organization (Foundation Center 2009). It is like a pat on the back you give yourselves, or constructive criticism you create from within your organization. It should go without saying, but a reminder is always nice: read the request for proposal carefully. Some grantmakers want to see actual prototypes of information-gathering instruments; others just want to know what you will develop and who will develop it. Data collection doesn’t happen in isolation; it is part of the process of delivering a service. If your staff is busy working with clients, they don’t have much time to gather 10,000 bits of data. However, data collection